RSM Transport ID
The vehicle identification system helps control unloading from a combine into a transfer vehicle
Agrotechnics professionals
General description
  • Recognizes a vehicle at a distance of up to
    25 25 m
The vehicle identification system helps control unloading from a combine into a transfer vehicle.

The vehicle identification Precision Farming System operates within the RSM Agrotronic and unlocks the auger to unload grain into a permitted vehicle or a transfer hopper only so unloading can be controlled directly from the cab.

RSM Transport ID is a convenient system which can provide end-to-end monitoring of crop movement.

The system also allows to control the unloading cycle statistics via the RSM Agrotronic. If the combine is equipped with the RSM Yield Map system, the unloaded product amount and type (corn, wheat, etc.) will also be specified in the reports. These reports are available in the Analysis tab.

Standard package:

– Tag reader for operator’s console
– Vehicle tag
How does it work?
  • The vehicle identification system operates within the RSM Agrotronic and unlocks the auger to unload grain only into a permitted vehicle or a transfer hopper so unloading can be controlled directly from the cab.
  • Thanks to the RFID tag located on the vehicle, the system can recognize and identify it at a distance of 20-25 meters.
  • No additional time is needed.
System functions
  • 01
    Recognizes an approaching vehicle at a distance of 20-25 meters from a harvester
  • 02
    Personally identifies a vehicle
  • 03
    Blocks unloading into an unauthorized vehicle

RSM Transport ID

This is a convenient system which can provide end-to-end monitoring of crop movement and avoid unauthorized actions.

RSM Transport ID

This is a convenient system which can provide end-to-end monitoring of crop movement and avoid unauthorized actions.