RSM Pressure Control
It automatically measures the pressure and temperature in each tractor tyre.
Agrotechnics professionals
General description

RCM Tyre Pressure Monitoring automatically measures the pressure and temperature in each tractor tyre.

How does it work?
  • PCM Tire Pressure Monitoring shall include independent sensors (for each wheel) and a repeater.
  • The independent sensor shall detect tire pressure and temperature readings in each wheel and transmit them to the repeater.
  • The repeater shall control data acquisition from all sensors and transmit the data to the tractor on-board system and then to the RSM Agrotronic Agromanagement Platform.
System Benefits:
  • 01
    Improved safety of equipment operation
  • 02
    Reduced fuel costs
  • 03
    Reduced soil compaction
  • 04
    Reduced tire wear and, as a result, longer service life