RSM Varicut
It automates the cutting length selection
Agrotechnics professionals
General description

The efficiency and performance of forage harvesters can be enhanced by installing a package of electronic options which includes RSM Varicut.

RSM Varicut controls the cutting length which is one of the main settings that affect the harvested silage quality. Cutting will be coarser in case of high moisture content of the crop material, and vice versa if the dry crop material must be cut more finely so that it compresses better.
How does it work?
  • High-precision options operate based on special sensors that measure the crop material flow and moisture. By using data from these sensors, any operator can expand the information content of the standard on-board harvester control system.
  • The crop material flow measurement sensor is installed on the feeder. It continuously monitors the distance between the rear rolls of the harvester,while allowing operators to obtain data on harvester’s average performance, average and instantaneous yield, the average consumption of solution from the tank or canister per tonne of harvested crops.
  • A moisture measurement sensor is installed on the spout and continuously monitors the moisture and temperature of the crop material in work.
  • The safety of material put to storage is ensured by changing the cutting length depending on the crop material moisture content or on the dry matter content. RSM Varicut controls the cutting length which is one of the main settings that affect the harvested silage quality. Cutting will be coarser in case of high moisture content of the crop material, and vice versa if the dry crop material must be cut more finely so that the secreted fluid would contribute to its moistening.
  • During combining, the on-board system automatically changes the cutting length based on the operator's settings and the obtained readings of moisture and dry matter content.
  • With the system the required shelf life of the material will be ensured and high quality forage will be prepared.