New Tractor Plant Is Testing Production Processes

February, 2024
The Rostselmash Tractor Plant is preparing for commissioning and is focused on testing and adjustment of its production processes. The first tractors have already entered the main conveyor.
Новый тракторный завод отрабатывает технологии
The trial operation started from one machine and was gradually ramped up to eight units being assembled simultaneously. At the same time, the cab assembly conveyor is being run in idle mode. Engineering services of the plant are connecting conveyors and crane systems, and prepare smart assembly stations for commissioning.
Тракторный завод Ростсельмаш готовится к открытию
The assembly section of the tractor plant is highly automated. The conveyors will function in the "start-stop" mode (automatic switching on and off) based on the production rhythm. The electronic tightening systems ensure strict compliance with the pre-set parameters during the process. The data is transmitted to the tractor's electronic data sheet, where the entire assembly history of the machine will be stored.

Every station is equipped with suspended cranes of 2 to 3.2 ton capacity. Load-lifting manipulators are used for precision operations to reduce the load on operators during installation of components and accessories.
На главный конвейер поставлены первые тракторы
The main assembly conveyor has a built-in automated station for process fluid filling. The control system selects and starts the required process based on the model of the machine being assembled.
Ростсельмаш ведет отладку технологических процессов производства
To recap, the Rostselmash tractor plant construction project was officially announced in September of 2021. Currently, the plant is preparing for commissioning.

The facility is located in Rostov-on-Don. The total area of the plant is 14 ha, and the area of production facilities is 62 thousand square metres. The plant has the capacity to manufacture 5,000 machines annually.

The company intends to use this facility to manufacture a full range of crawler-mounted tractors with articulated and classical frames, and engine capacity ranging from 170 hp to 600+ hp. The plant will also manufacture road-building machinery — a new product in the company's portfolio. When the plant reaches its full capacity, headcount of its personnel will stand at 1,850 people.