Rostselmash's Heat Treatment Shop Firing Up Its Furnaces

February, 2024
The plant where Rostselmash builds its automatic and manual transmissions, axles and gearboxes for tractors, combines and road and construction machines is getting its heat treatment shop ready for entry into operation.
«Термичка» Ростсельмаш зажигает печи
The heat treatment areas have entered the final preparation stage before they become operational. Intelligent systems are being set up, all process conditions scenarios are being tested. This means that it will not be long before the Rostselmash's plant starts to provide itself with necessary blanks of proper quality.

During the last days of the passed year, the isothermal annealing section started to adjust the treatment process conditions for transmission gear blanks after commissioning tests had been completed. The furnace currently can operate with charge intervals of 30, 45 or 60 minutes to suit various blank sizes. The 3 options have all been successfully tested. Currently, work is continuing to tweak the equipment to achieve a better performance, the plant is getting ready to accept the equipment for operation.

The shop is ready to start operations, this is proved by a lab quality assessment of the first batches of transmission gear blanks which have already been isothermally annealed and shot-blasted.
Комплекс высокоавтоматизированного оборудования проходит пуско-наладку
The second area's robotic complex - shaft furnaces (for normalizing, case hardening and tempering) and quenching tanks - is at the commissioning stage as well. From the end of January, the complete cycle of heat treatment has been performed for batches of shafts and drums. For the shafts, the results are already known to be good, with quality meeting the design specifications. The other batch is still in testing. Next, heat treatment will be tested on another 5 batches of various parts.
Участки термической обработки вступили в завершающий этап подготовки к запуску в эксплуатацию
All the 5 furnaces of the carburising line at the chemical treatment area are undergoing no-load tuning. The furnaces are being fed with the carburiser, endogas and nitrogen, and the smart instruments are monitoring the process of pre-carborisation of the furnaces and auxiliaries. After all units and processes are fully mutually in tune, the furnaces will receive the first pilot batches of parts.
Ростсельмаш готовит к запуску в работу производство термической обработки
As you might know, proper heat pretreatment of forgings is crucial for making parts easier to machine, to achieve a high precision class and surface finish of gearset teeth.
Ростсельмаш начнет самостоятельно обеспечивать себя необходимыми заготовками надлежащего качества